Pouring the garden shed slab

Today we poured the slab for the garden shed. The concrete is arriving in two batches – first is 5 meters, and the second is whatever we need to finish it.

Here it comes !

Aaron was on the petrol powered vibrator making sure the concrete got into all the corners and settled properly, while I was shovelling it around.

The delivery guy was very friendly and helpful. He even helped out on the screed board for a bit.

The pour went really well, and we had no problems at all. All the formwork held together, which was a relief.

The first truck has finished. So thats 5 cubic meters.

I made 4 mistakes when digging the footings:

  • I forgot to allow for the height of the formwork, so the footings are 150mm deeper than they needed to be.
  • I dug the bore holes too deep, so wasted concrete.
  • I beveled the inner edge of the footing too much, so again, wasted concrete.
  • The rebate is deeper than it needs to be – 150mm instead of 100mm, so the main slab is thicker than it needs to be – again wasted concrete.
Filling in some holes.
Cleaning up the edges.
Tools of the trade
The finished slab.

As it turned out, we needed 1 more meter (so 6 in total), and we have about 3 shovel fills left over ! The delivery guy thought we might need about 0.8 meters when he had finished the first load, so he said take it to 1 meter. Lucky we did.

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