Preparing the deck surface

The deck has been up for some time, and the cement sheet used for the deck flooring really should be protected from the weather. So this weekend Dianne gave it a coat of primer and the first coat of sealing membrane. All the corners and wall/floor junctions get a flexible membrane joiner too, so water cannot get between the wall and the deck.

So the primer goes on first to act as a bonding agent between the cement sheet flooring and the subsequent membrane layer. This stuff is very watery, and the coverage is really good – about 1 liter per 16 sq meters. Then the first coat of membrane goo goes on. Coverage is not so good – a 15kg bucket did one coat, which is about 34 sq meters.

Prior to Dianne doing this job I framed and sheeted the two ends where the deck meets the veranda roof.

I faced these ends in 8mm cement sheet. I wanted a thick sheet just in case it gets kicked as people lean on the balcony railing.
There will be some roofing flashing that covers the top edge of these end pieces.

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